Noves edicions de programes per potenciar l’emprenedoria
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Noves edicions de programes per potenciar l’emprenedoria
Barcelona Activa estrena convocatòries d’INICIA, Idees Madures i Preincubació, tres iniciatives per impulsar projectes emprenedors
, 15 de febr. 2024
Winter does not stop the programmes for strengthening entrepreneurial projects promoted by Barcelona Activa. In the months of February and March, new editions of programmes are being called to help launch business ideas. INICIA, Mature Ideas and Pre-incubation will start in the coming weeks and registration periods have already opened to participate.
INICIA offers training and support for projects launched by women entrepreneurs in any sector. The initiative is part of the LIDERA platform and is aimed at women with business ideas who need advice to succeed. 950 women have already taken part in the 38 editions of the programme, which offers morning and afternoon modalities and includes 113 hours distributed in 29 sessions.
Another of the programmes that is beginning a new edition is focused on people aged 40 or over who want to start a business. Mature Ideas is aimed at entrepreneurs who are looking for support in developing their business plan. During the sessions they will be able to validate the viability of business ideas to know if they can become a company. From each edition, three people are selected who will be able to work in the Emprèn coworking space for 6 months and with flexible hours.
The 14th edition of the Pre-incubation programme is also beginning, which will begin on 1st March. It offers support to start-ups with a high innovative component, in the seed phase and with the need to validate the business model. Selected projects will be able to participate in tutorials, workshops and networking activities. Registration will be open until 26th February and you can apply through this link.