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null New talks within the programme #DiesInnoBA

New talks within the programme #DiesInnoBA

New talks within the programme #DiesInnoBA

The cycle of activities begins the year by organising new talks with the aim of bringing the SSE and innovation closer to the citizenship

Barcelona, 22 Sep 2023

The #DiesInnoBA activity programme kicks off the 2023-24 academic year with new activities. The cycle organises talks to spread inspiring practices and experiences of the Social and Solidarity Economy for entities, companies and individuals. The project is boosted from InnoBA, Barcelona Activa's benchmark centre for socio-economic innovation.

#DiesInnoBA is made up of three formats that differ between conversations, laboratories and circles. ConversESS (SSE Conversations) which aim to inspire, consisting of dialogues focused on a topic to reflect on the main challenges of SSE and trends in innovation. On the other hand, the laboratories consist of practical workshops, experience working groups, seminars or hackathons to make SSE known in an experiential way. Finally, the circles are group meetings to exchange knowledge on specific topics, tools and methodologies.

The course starts on 17th October and throughout the last quarter of 2023 talks related to the ESG impact (environmental, social and good governance) will be held. The sessions will discuss good governance, investments with impact, as well as working on the ESG impact in the textile sector and also tools and challenges to measure the impact of your actions. From 2024, #DiesInnoBA will focus the first quarter on the attraction and retention of talent and the second quarter will focus on the Social Market.

#DiesInnoBA aims to make SSE known to citizens and the city's business fabric, to disseminate practices and experiences of organisations and individuals and to position InnoBA as a benchmark centre. For more information about the programme, you can visit the website.