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null InnoBA
A municipal point for socio-economic innovation in Ca n'Andalet
InnoBA is the Barcelona Activa facility dedicated to the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Socioeconomic Innovation. It offers activities, specialised services, research, training, and spaces for experimentation and incubation in the field. This facility is for people and organisations looking to take their first steps in the Social and Solidarity Economy, as well as those who already have projects underway.
InnoBA is located in Ca n'Andalet (Horta-Guinardó), and takes in la InnoBAdora+, an incubator for SSE projects.
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm
Equipements use regulation:
Consult the general conditions and rules for use of Barcelona Activa spaces and equipment (catalan).

- Passatge Andalet, 11, 08032 BARCELONA
- 933575252