Cibernàrium Nou Barris
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Cibernàrium Nou Barris
Digital training initiation centre located in the Technology Park.
Located within the Technology Park, in the Nou Barris district, it is one of the two technology training centres of Barcelona Activa. Basic digital training activities are carried out to get started in the use of technological tools. Advanced level courses are also offered on all kinds of topics related to the use of technology for personal and professional growth: web design, digital and 3D manufacturing, online marketing, technology and management, digital imagery and many others. The training includes a specific itinerary of Digital and 3D manufacturing activities to spread maker tools and methodologies.
The Nou Barris Cibernarium occupies one of the wings of the Technology Park and it has 5 classrooms provided with computer equipment. On the second floor of the same space is the Barcelona Activa's Fab Lab, wich makes 3D printers available to the citizens, as well as laser cutters and other hardware available for everybody to learn the 'maker' methodologies.
Cibernàrium face-to-face training offer is provided between the Nou Barris Cibernàrium and the Cibernàrium 22@.

- Carrer Marie Curie, 8 - 14, 08042 BARCELONA
- 933209572