Boost your economic activity with the grants of Barcelona Activa
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null Boost your economic activity with the grants of Barcelona Activa

Boost your economic activity with the grants of Barcelona Activa
Barcelona City Council, through Barcelona Activa, has launched several lines of economic aid to encourage the creation of new business projects and the hiring of staff in the city
Barcelona, 24 Jul 2024
These 2024 grants are designed to ease the expenses of self-employed people and boost the competitiveness of the city's companies.
Activa Autonò+
The Activa Autonò+ programme offers grants of up to 4,000 euros to self-employed persons who have registered their economic activity from September 2022. The aim of this initiative is to reduce the initial expenses of new self-employed persons and help them consolidate their businesses during the first year of activity. The amount of the grant is calculated based on the expenses justified in the application.
Crea Feina Barcelona 2024
With the aim of promoting young talent and the competitiveness of companies, the Crea Feina Barcelona 2024 programme offers grants of up to 8,000 euros for the hiring of young people under 30 years of age and up to 15,000 euros for the hiring of staff with a doctorate degree. Contracts must be permanent and full-time, with exceptions for people who are at risk of social exclusion.
Impulsem el que fas
The Impulsem el que fas (We boost what you do) programme will open its call during the second half of July, with an application period scheduled from the beginning of September to mid-October 2024. This edition maintains six different modalities, including socioeconomic innovation, responsible tourism and sustainable food, with new features to facilitate the application process.
More information and details on the website of Barcelona Activa grants.