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null Barcelona Activa works for gender equality

The agency presents the study 'Women and the labour market' to analyse labour inequalities in women's careers

Barcelona Activa works for gender equality

The agency presents the study 'Women and the labour market' to analyse labour inequalities in women's careers

, 08 Mar 2024

Barcelona Activa once again commemorates 8th March, International Women's Day, and does so by holding different events and with the presentation of the report Les dones i el mercat de treball.

The study describes the current image of the labour market in Barcelona in terms of gender, supported by figures on the evolution of the employment rate and the number of women affiliated to Social Security, among others.

The report presents relevant data from the end of 2023 on the most frequent types of contracts and the economic sectors in which they specialise. The situation of the glass ceiling and the wage gap is also observed and the causes of the feminisation of poverty are analysed. Among the most relevant data, it highlights the fact that last year, for the first time in history, more than 40% of the contracts signed by women were indefinite.

It also explains that at the end of last year there were already more than 610,000 women affiliated with Social Security in Barcelona, a figure higher than that of men, a record position in the historical series. However, the wage gap still stands at 17.1%.

With regard to entrepreneurship, it is noteworthy that women represent more than half of new entrepreneurs. However, the study's figures show that the feminisation of poverty is still evident. An example can be found where the percentage of wage-earning women in Barcelona who are paid one thousand euros or less is 30.1%, 4 points above men.

Beyond the report, Barcelona Activa will also commemorate 8M with the jurney #donesqueacompanyendones. From 10am, the Cibernàrium 22@ Auditorium will host an event focused on making visible the professional life cycle of women, highlighting the moments in which they are accompanied professionally by other women with the aim of improving their promotion in the labour market.