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null Barcelona Activa maintained its services during the Christmas holidays

Horaris per Nadal a Barcelona Activa

Barcelona Activa maintained its services during the Christmas holidays

The agency's facilities remained accessible to the public during special hours during the days between Christmas and Epiphany

Barcelona, 22 Dec 2023

The agency's facilities remained accessible to the public during special hours during the days between Christmas and Epiphany

From Barcelona Activa we didn’t want you to stop for the Christmas holidays. During these dates, the Barcelona Activa facilities remained accessible to the public, with the exception of public holidays and weekends. 

The scheduled opening times for each of the spaces were as follows: 

In the area of attention to companies, the Business Support Office (OAE) maintained its regular hours, from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m

In employment services, from 27th December to 8th January  advice in Porta22 offered a special opening hours for the public from 9am to 2pm. 

The Services aimed at young people of the Convent de Barcelona Activa remained closed during the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve, but they were open between 1st and 5th January from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

In the area of entrepreneurship, the Glòries Entrepreneurship Centre was open every weekday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., that is, from 27th December to 5th January, both included. As for the incubators, they also remained accessible from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the same days, except on 5th January when they were closed. 

I en l’àmbit de la formació tecnològica, el Cibernàrium 22@ i el Cibernàrium Nou Barris tancaran des del divendres 22 de desembre a les 15 hores fins a l’1 de gener. La primera setmana de l’any sí que estaran oberts en l’horari habitual, excepte el 5 de gener en què tancaran a les 15 hores. També es pot gaudir de Nadal STEAM, que proposa activitats per a infants i joves d’entre 6 i 14 anys. 

And in the field of technological training, the Cibernàrium 22@ and the Cibernàrium Nou Barris were closed from Friday 22nd December at 3pm until 1st January. The first week of the year they were open at regular hours, except for 5th January when they closed at 3 p.m. You could also enjoy Nadal STEAM, which offers activities for children and youth between 6 and 14 years old.

Don't forget to follow the news on our social networks and get in touch if you have any doubts. We wish you a good start to 2024!