Barcelona Activa boosts talent in the city
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null Barcelona Activa boosts talent in the city

Barcelona Activa impulsa el talent a la ciutat
The agency organises activities for professional change and improvement and offers support services for talent recruitment
Barcelona, 06 Feb 2024
Promoting talent has always been one of the primary goals of Barcelona Activa. The agency has different support services for companies for the recruitment of professionals and also has activities that train citizens to face a change or an improvement at work.
Regarding the resources offered, Barcelona Activa counts on the programa de gestió de talent programme of talent management, which supports companies and organisations to cover their needs with the most appropriate profiles. The service accompanies businesses throughout the process, from the identification of vacancies to the search for talent, pre-selection and candidate management.
From the IT Academy we also offer a free-of-charge service for companies or start-ups looking for candidates who have been trained in Front-End, Back-End, Full Stack and data science. A space to connect the students of the programme with the organisations through the needs analysis of each business and a careful selection of the staff that best suits them.
In addition, tools and activities are made available to citizens for guidance and professional change. Services that aim to promote employment and accompany people throughout their professional career through specialised sessions that prepare them for the demands of the labour market.
In order to know the evolution and trends of the main sectors in which employment is created, Barcelona Activa also has the Mapa del talent de Barcelona, a tool that shows how the city's talent behaves in all dimensions. The instrument analyses work in the city from the point of view of training, links with economic sectors or movements with other cities based on the data offered by LinkedIn.